Does your business follow global best practice and report its carbon emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (The GHG Protocol)? 

Then your choice of electricity supply can make a big difference to the numbers you report. 

Modern carbon reporting standards like the GHG Protocol require organisations to base their carbon emissions reporting on the choice they make for their electricity purchases (called “market-based emissions”), as well as their grid connection (called “location-based emissions”). The idea is that using both numbers gives a fairer, more complete picture of an organisation’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions by choosing to purchase low-carbon electricity or being more energy efficient.

With our renewable electricity options, your organisation’s electricity supply is backed by certified renewable generation sources which all have a zero emissions rating. That takes your market-based carbon emissions to zero, and with climate change now a mainstream issue, that can only help your business. This is particularly important for larger businesses who have corporate social responsibility ambitions to join strategic initiatives like the RE100. 

Available for both fixed and flexible price supply contracts, our renewable options are backed by REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origins) and/or GoOs (Guarantee of Origin). The REGO scheme is administered by Ofgem and is used to provide transparency to consumers about the proportion of electricity that suppliers source from renewable generation in the UK.

GoOs are proof that the electricity has been generated by a renewable generation source from an EU country.

  • Each megawatt-hour (MWh) is evidenced by a REGO

or a GoO.

  • The purpose of the certificate is to prove that a given share of energy was produced from renewable sources.

Independently verified for extra confidence

The Carbon Trust has assured that the electricity supplied for the year ended in 31st March 2022 under the following products – Renewable for Business, Select Renewable, Clean Renewable and UK Renewable – all of which are under the umbrella of the “Renewable tariffs” is 100% covered by Renewable Certificates that have been obtained and retired by EDF, in line with the WRI GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (2015).

You can view the details in the assurance statements here: