Corporate PPA

Choosing a Corporate PPA (CPPA) enables your business to partner with a renewable asset, so you know where your renewable energy is coming from and ultimately make a real difference to your business achieving net zero. 

What is a CPPA?

A CPPA is a direct contractual agreement between your business and a renewable energy generator. Your power would still come via the grid (there’s no physical connection), but you are contracting with a named generator, enabling you to say that your energy is coming from a specific source.

If you enter into a CPPA for renewable generation that isn't built yet then you are achieving 'additionality' for your business and your sustainability targets. 

Business benefits of a CPPA

  • This option ensures high authenticity of your business' carbon credentials
  • Offers traceability and authenticity of the supply, so you know exactly where your energy is coming from and have price certainty 
  • Your business can report 100% renewable energy with a CPPA
  • Contracts are usually between 10 and 15 years in duration and ensure fixed energy prices
  • Ensures your business is helping to add more renewable energy to the UK grid, especially if you contract with new renewable generation.

Want to talk to us about a CPPA?

If you're a business and interested to find out more about CPPAs please get in touch with your dedicated EDF Account Manager. 

How EDF can help with your CPPA journey

  • We offtake the most renewable electricity of any offtaker in Great Britain, through both equity-owned generation and capacity under PPA contracts. (Cornwall Insight February 2022)
  • We are a credit worthy offtaker so businesess have long term assurance
  • We have a wealth of experience in the PPA market, enabling us to help minimise complexity
  • We are one of the leading suppliers for businesses in renewable energy helping to achieve Britain’s net zero targets
  • EDF Group has a range of owned assets and also work with independent generators, therefore we can provide a wide range of renewable sources (solar, wind, hydro, energy from waste) for your CPPA journey.


Renewable energy

Is a CPPA right for generators?

If you produce a large amount of renewable energy then a CPPA could be beneficial to you.

Corporate PPAs give generators a guaranteed buyer for their energy and revenue stream for the energy they produce. They also enable developers to finance new renewable energy projects. 

Due to the removal of subsidies CPPAs offer a long term route to market for generators and offer developers long term fixed prices for energy providing cost certainty.

We work with a large number of corporate businesses and can match interested businesses and generators together for CPPAs.

CPPA case studies and blogs

Read about some of our CPPA case studies and the types of businesses we have worked with

EDF has worked with Tesco and their advisors to deliver a multi-party Corporate PPA structure, which supports the delivery of new renewable generation projects. Through bringing new low carbon generation to the grid, Tesco are making a real contribution to decarbonising the energy supply and reducing emissions.

So how do you ensure you’ll have a secure long-term supply of renewable energy to meet your commitment? A large part of Nestle’s answer is to buy all the power produced by a new wind farm built by an independent renewable energy generator, Community Wind Power (CWP). This one deal takes care of nearly half the electricity Nestle will use for the next 15 years.

Image of six windmills at sunset generating renewable electricity

The time to go Net Zero is now. But where do you start? Energy powers every business activity. So for any business, it’s the ideal place to start on the journey to Net Zero.