EDF Fuel Mix

On the 1st of October every year, we must publish details of the fuel sources that have been used to generate the electricity we supply to our customers.

We update the below table to show how much (%) of the energy we’ve purchased and supplied to our customers has come from each of the major energy sources in the previous year (between April and March). We also include the carbon emissions associated with its generation, and show how our fuel mix compares to the UK average fuel mix.

Our customers’ electricity is sourced from our own UK power stations, the wholesale energy market and other independent power generators. We are a major supporter of independent renewable generators.

The information in the table below covers our supply licence for EDF Energy Customers Ltd for the period from April 2021 to March 2022. Our fuel mix for period April 2022 to March 2023 will be published on 1 October 2023.

 CoalGasNuclearRenewableOtherCO2 g/kWhRadioactive waste g/kWh
EDF's fuel mix1.6%15.1%63.1%19.0%1.2% 820.0044
Contribution to our carbon emissions19.7%68.2% 0.0%  0.0%12.1%  
UK average fuel mix3.8%38.5% 16.1% 38.7% 2.9% 1980.0011

The figures for the UK average fuel mix are provided by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). Depending on the tariff you are on, the fuel source and the carbon emissions associated with the generation of your electricity may vary.

EDF’s fuel mix per tariff or productCoalGasNuclearRenewableOtherC02 g/kWhRadioactive waste g/kWh
Zero carbon (1)0.0%0.0%100%0.0%0.0%00.0070
Renewable (2)0.0%0.0%0.0%100%0.0%00.0000
All other (3)4.4%40.5%49.6%2.1%3.4%2210.0035

Product table

(1) Zero carbon: Zero carbon tariffs and products include any sold as ‘nuclear backed’, such as Zero Carbon for Business (formerly Blue for Business).

(2) Renewable: All renewable tariffs and products (includes EV tariff).

(3) All other: All other tariffs and products - tariffs not referred to as Zero Carbon or Renewable.

The nuclear backed and renewable electricity that we buy for Residential, SME, Zero Carbon for Business (formerly Blue for Business) or Renewable tariffs and products is supplied into the National Grid. Customers receive that electricity through the National Grid, not directly from zero-carbon generators.