About us

​​​​​​​EDF is a leading provider of route to market services for storage developers and investors. We’re committed to the long-term future of energy storage systems and have signed contracts to optimise more than 900MW of battery storage. In addition to our extensive UK expertise, our proprietary flexibility platform ‘Powershift’ utilises technology from across the wider EDF group.

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Energy Storage News webinar

Renewables and energy storage will be key enablers to the energy transition. Panellists from EDF, Solar Media, Pivot Power and National Grid explore the role of battery storage and renewable energy in the UK’s drive to net zero, the impact on infrastructure and how to maximise asset revenues to meet rapidly-changing electricity market opportunities.

Watch our latest webinar, with Energy Storage News. 

Market Insight

See the latest power, gas, oil, coal and other costs driving your electricity prices, with analysis from our traders and access to the latest Monitor Report, keeping you in touch with non-energy costs.

Meet the senior team

Stuart Fenner

Stuart Fenner is the Commercial Director for Wholesale Market Services at EDF.  He is responsible for flexible asset valuations and contract structuring, the design and delivery of asset optimisation strategies and the development of the flexibility services offer provided by EDF in the UK. Stuart is a highly experienced energy professional and has held a range of senior commercial roles in commodity supply and purchasing, energy solutions and renewable asset management.

Fabrizio Fenu

Fabrizio Fenu leads origination activities for flexible assets within EDF. Fabrizio is your first port of call for any questions or to discuss opportunities available to you.

Latest News

EDF announces agreement for battery optimisation with Eelpower

Eelpower, one of the pioneer investors and operators of large-scale commercial energy storage assets in the UK, have selected EDF as their next trading and optimisation partner. The partnership will involve the trading and optimisation of three grid-scale battery projects located in the UK, totalling 80MW, and reinforces EDF’s commitment to helping Britain achieve Net Zero. 

EDF Joins Downing on 50MW UK Storage Project

Investment management firm, Downing LLP, has selected EDF (UK) as route-to-market and trading partner for a 50MW battery storage project in England. The battery will connect directly to National Grid’s transmission system with ambitions for the second phase of the project to develop a private wire network and a utility scale electric vehicle charging super hub in Nursling, Southampton.

EDF and Gresham House Energy Storage Fund announce deal to optimise the UK’s largest battery site

Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc, the UK’s largest listed battery storage fund, has selected EDF to optimise its new 50MW battery site at Wickham Market.  Capable of storing 75MWh of energy, this is the UK’s largest battery installed to date.

EDF and SWGT announce long-term innovative optimisation agreement for flagship battery project

SWGT, a leading independent battery storage asset manager in the UK, have signed an innovative long-term battery optimisation agreement with EDF. The partnership will see SWGT’s 30MW utility scale battery storage asset optimised across a variety of grid flexibility schemes.

Pivot Power appoints EDF to optimise battery asset at new energy storage facility through PowerShift platform

Pivot Power has appointed EDF to optimise 49.9MW of battery assets at their Kemsley site in Kent, helping to facilitate greater flexible electricity capacity for the grid.

EDF and Zenobe announce battery trading deal

Zenobe Energy has partnered with EDF to trade and optimise 59MW of its grid scale battery portfolio. 

Solar and battery assets at the Clayhill solar farm.

Anesco chooses EDF Energy & Upside for battery and solar farm trading deal

The deal to optimise 16MW of solar and battery assets at the Clayhill solar farm sees EDF providing a guaranteed floor price for storage – a first within the sector.

EDF acquires Pivot Power

Acquisition of Pivot Power furthers EDFs battery storage capability. Pivot specialise in battery storage and infrastructure for electric vehicle charging.