Take a smart step on your journey to Net Zero

If we’re to reach Net Zero by 2050, it’s essential that we transition to a smarter, more flexible energy system.  Smart metering plays a key role in this transition, with the data from smart meters enabling National Grid to understand how much energy is being used when and where across Great Britain. Having this insight means that energy demand can be forecast more accurately, and waste is minimised.

Smart meters aren’t only beneficial at an energy system level though. Businesses that switch to smart benefit from improved insights on energy consumption, which can drive positive changes for both the environment and your bottom line. Here’s how:


Make informed energy decisions

A first crucial step to reduce your carbon footprint is to understand how energy is being used across your business. What times of day do you use most and least energy? If you have more than one site, which ones are the heaviest users? Knowing the amount of energy you’re using, when and where will help you understand how to budget accordingly and identify the areas to target for reducing energy consumption and spend.

By having a baseline view of your consumption, you’ll also be able to ensure that any investment your business makes to achieve your Net Zero targets is focused in the areas that will have the biggest impact. Whether it’s upgrading lighting, introducing EV charging points or installing solar PV, having access to smart data will mean your business can monitor the impact of any changes to see if you’re achieving a return on investment and allow you to calculate the energy and carbon savings. This data can then be used to help prove you’re progressing towards your Net Zero goals and support future investment cases.


Only pay for what you use

Smart meters can capture and store data about your energy use as frequently as every half hour. Your energy supplier can then collect this data directly via a remote connection meaning you don’t have to spend time taking and submitting meter readings. Automated meter readings also bring an end to the risk of estimated bills if you forget to take a reading; you’ll get accurate bills every time, meaning you’ll pay for exactly what you’ve used.


No additional cost or hassle

We understand that some businesses may be concerned about the impact of upgrading their metering on their day to day activities, but businesses can make the switch to smart, and benefit from all the above, without any hassle and at no additional cost to NHH metering. We will only require your electricity supply to be turned off for about half an hour to fit a smart meter and our installation team works completely flexibly to ensure as little disruption as possible to you and your business, even offering installation appointments outside of working hours at no extra cost.

So, unlock the potential of smart metering and take a positive step to help your business achieve net zero.

If you’re interested in upgrading to smart metering, please email our team at EBSSmartMeterBookings@edfenergy.com or if you’ve still got questions about smart metering take a look at our FAQ.

Posted by Talk Power Team

The Talk Power Team is here to keep our business community up to date on industry news, our Talk Power live events and to bring you useful information to help you manage your energy. 


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