Understand your small business energy bill

Your small business energy bill explained

Your small business energy bill explained

EDF bills now show at a glance exactly how much energy you used last quarter compared to the previous quarter and the same quarter last year. Our interactive e-guide will show you step by step what each part of your bill means helping you to understand your power bill.

It should enable you to manage your energy consumption more effectively, and could even help you cut your energy bills.

bills and a calculator lie on a table

What makes up your business energy bill?

Ever wondered how we set the rates that you pay? Find out what costs go into supplying your business energy.

EDF Energy electricity bill

How to pay your business energy bill

You can pay your small business energy bill in a number of ways with us. Find the one that suits you best.

How your business bill can be exempt from the climate change levy

Domestic or charitable non-business use is exempt from CCL. If your organisation is defined as an energy intensive user or a horticulture user, the supply may also qualify for partial exemption.

For more specific information on exemptions, please read our guide, VAT and CCL explained, contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 or visit